26 April 2013

Week-end Round Up!

What a crazy week this has been.

Veganism day 2 went swimmingly. I enjoyed grocery shopping for delicious food. I got these delightful non-dairy "ice cream" sandwiches. They are TINY, but so tasty, and just what I need when I want something sweet! I was so excited to find a great selection of vegan food at my local supermarket. Of course there are many more varieties and options out there, but it is nice to have some staples nearby. Today has gone rather well in that regard, also. 

I am glad, for the first time, that classes are winding to a close. I enjoy only a few of them now...definitely less than half of them. I am just getting frustrated (infuriated, but I tried to calm myself down from that) with people who are jerks. It really isn't okay to try to make someone feel bad or to purposefully make fun of them. It's not really very nice to gang up on someone and treat them poorly. No one appreciates it, so why would one do that to someone else?! I guess I am ready for a break from people like that...but seeing as how I won't get a real break from school until December, I will just have to suck it up and deal with it.

I am moving very soon. In a week and a half, actually. I have bittersweet feelings about it. Other than the love for my apartment and the enjoyment of having LOTS of time to myself, I am really going to miss being close to my Love every day. We've lived together for over a year...I've seen him almost every day for the two that I've lived here. I don't really want to go back to that long distance thing. I am sure that I can stomach it this time, though, as I have some pretty awesome Florida friends who will be distracting me enough to not worry about it. I'm just rather anxious. Beyond THAT, I really like some of my professors (even the ones who teach classes that I'd rather not take). I have asked some of them if it would be okay with them to keep in contact after I move. I am very excited to do so. 

The sweet part of this deal is just enough to keep me moving in that direction, though. The friends in Florida is a big part, but the even bigger part is that I will be able to FINALLY finish my degree. It's been 10 years since I graduated high school. For the past few years, I have really been feeling as though I was behind. As if I were in some sort of race with others my age to accomplish milestones in life. I felt happy for them doing things with their lives, of course, but also sad for myself for not nearly accomplishing as much. Sure, I don't have an undergrad degree, let alone a graduate degree. Sure, I don't own a house. Sure, I don't have a husband or children. Sure, I still don't know what I want to do when I "grow up." But I have been becoming more comfortable with that. I have decided that I don't need to have finished my degree to have enjoyed the last ten years. I don't need to own a house. Since I'm not tied down to one place, I really do have the freedom to move anywhere that I want to move! That should be exciting, not sad. And I don't need to be married or have children to be loved. There is a lot of love in my life as it is. My boyfriend, my friends, my family, my dag, and even sometimes my cat...they all give me unconditional love and support. Lastly, I'm perfectly happy not knowing exactly what I want to do when I finish my degree. I have a lot of options, and those excite me to no end. Teaching is a big one, and I think it'd be wonderful. Law school is another. Getting a Master's in Economics is another. Travelling the world and writing is another. I could even trek across the world and take pictures or play music or paint or plan weddings or design wedding dresses or make an impact on the world in my own way. Why should I feel bad that I have yet to limit myself and my dreams? I really shouldn't. So I have been trying to make myself stop being so hard on...myself. It is a slow process, as it is rather easy for me to get into the mindset of wanting to have accomplished x, y, and z before a certain age. But taking time to read a book on the patio and listen to the wind-chimes and drink a glass of wine is wonderful. Pulling out my flute and playing for a bit is great. Getting some fabric together and sewing random things is a delight. Even just going on a drive with my Love and laughing so much with one another is something that I wouldn't trade for the world. I am trying to live my life by having lots of wonderful memories to enjoy in the moment and smile when I look back on them rather than just judging my life according to someone else's scale.

Well, that went rather differently than I had expected. Oh well, let it flow naturally, I suppose! I have a ton of final exam and final paper stuff to do now, so I think I'll get on that. Thank you for sharing some time with me today! <3


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