29 March 2012

A Note on Politics

Today, I'm going to keep things short, too. I've been super busy (although, I DID have the last two days off and have been enjoying pretty much every SECOND of the relaxation) and have not had time to come by and share my thoughts. Today is different, though. Over the past few months, I have been drawn into this public display of stupidity, ignorance (two different things, mind you), arrogance, humor, more ignorance, lies, and flat-out crap. I'm talking about the 2012 Election campaigns. No, I'm not even talking about stupid tv ads or anything, FAR WORSE... I am talking about the hooplah on social networking sites like Twitter and facebook. YES, everyone has their own opinions and are entitled to it, but it DEEPLY saddens me to see people put up unfounded information about candidates or the current President. You can say whatever you like, I do absolutely respect our constitution, but can people not see that posting BLATANTLY false information or posting ridiculous stuff is really just making THEM seem like an uneducated ass? I am going to be as neutral as possible on ym public accounts, because I am so tired of the fights that politics and political opinions spawn. I poke fun at both sides (and yes, I DO have an affiliation myself) and I will bring up downfalls and good things about them both, too. No one side has all the answers and no one candidate will win the hearts of 100% of the people. I suppose that I am just tired about the blatant disrespect people think that it is okay to show and share during an election year. If you (and I don't mean you in particular, but you as a collective) care SO much about how things are run and the problems with candidate A or B, RUN FOR OFFICE YOURSELF. That is a way to be sure that your voice will be heard, and the things that you find important will be brought to the forefront. Otherwise, BE SURE TO VOTE. Get your candidate nominated, but don't hate on others who are doing the same thing for theirs. Voting and politics is actually a very private matter for many people. They believe in them and fully support them, but attacking others for their political opinion is as asinine as attacking others for their religious beliefs. Ugh. You can tell this boils my blood, eh? 

Here's my main point about all that above: If you want to talk politics, fine, but PLEASE educate yourself and don't post stupid stuff that has no foundation in truth OR that just feeds mass propaganda. ALSO, attacking other people's beliefs about politics doesn't make you seem more knowledgeable, it just makes you seem like a jerk.

My next (and last for now) topic is the political ads and campaigns themselves. I am very angry at the GOP for allowing this kind of campaigning to continue, year after year. By letting the candidates divide the party and pick one another apart does NO GOOD for the election as a whole. If the GOP really wants Obama out, then they need to be seen as a solid party that supports all of its' candidates, and really feels that any ONE of them would do the job well. By tearing apart the party, it makes it easier for people to defect (as it were) or to not vote for a Republican candidate simply based on the months preceding the GOP convention and all the damage done then. I, currently, do not have better advice on how to handle it, though I thought of some bang-up ideas this morning. I'll share them when I get another free minute, but for now, the oven is dinging, I want lunch, and I am tired of stupidity. :)

Main point #2: Stop tearing apart the GOP just to get a nomination. The Republican party should NOT be fighting itself. The main goal should be to win the election, not just the nomination.

More political stuff like this to come, I'm sure...as I am a Poli Sci major and this stuff interests me a ton.
Here's the clip I wrote on fb: 
"As we are in full swing of an election year, please be respectful of others' political opinions and decisions (on fb, I mean). I have friends on BOTH sides of the spectrum and all in between...some I agree with and some I don't, but it is ridiculous to get so angry with others on a social networking site over it. We all want what we think is best for the country, and no need to demean others who don't agree. If you don't agree, run for office or VOTE. I am tired of all these people slamming one another and am even more tired of uneducated slander coming from BOTH SIDES. How about we BUILD UP America instead of tearing it apart every election year? As Gandhi said, "Be the change you wish to see in the world." Just a thought..."


19 March 2012

Anxiety or Excitement?

Today I have encountered a couple things that really have got me thinking. First and foremost, I want to share with everyone (so share this with people you know, too!) a little insight that I found PROFOUND about anxiety. I am a sufferer and have been for a while. Not life-long, but long enough to see the negative impact it has had on my life. Anywho, this tidbit of advice is short and sweet. Anxiety and excitement are essentially the same thing. Your body reacts in the same way - like bubbly stomach, sweaty palms, increased heart rate. The ONLY difference is your interpretation of the event, whether it be positive or negative. Changing how you look at what is making you anxious could lessen if not eliminate the anxiety altogether. Okay, I'm sure you're like "what?" or...maybe not. I was. When I was reading a book on dealing with anxiety (From Panic to Power by Lucinda Bassett), I had to reread that part like 5 or 6 times to really get it. It is super profound, though, if you think about it. Instead of being afraid of things that are going to happen, try to recognize the feeling as excitement instead. Like, for me, instead of being anxious about talking or performing in front of groups, I try to psych myself into feeling excited about it instead. I have gotten SIGNIFICANTLY more positive results just altering my thinking. It does take a lot of effort and focus, but after you do it for a while, you become an all-around more positive and happy person. I may blog more about anxiety in the future, as it is something that I've dealt with for a long time.

What else? Well, I'll keep today brief, as I have a few other things to attend to, but I'd like to recommend that everyone take some time out to romance themselves. A long, luxurious bath and some delicious moisturizing lotion. Some tasty smelling candles, some delectable cheese and crackers with some nice wine or sparkling grape juice. Anything you can do to just make yourself feel beautiful and wonderful and absolutely like a billion dollars is completely worth it. I did that today for about two hours (long shower, fixed my hair all pretty-like, did my makeup in a new way, put on nicer clothes, I smell AH-MAZING btw) and I feel like today is already the perfect day and nothing can or will change that!! :) Just a thought! Besides, pampering yourself is one of life's little, lovely delights!


13 March 2012


So many wonderful and delightful things have been going on that I just have't had time to really sit down and pen (or keyboard, as the case is) them all. I'll start with one of the absolutely most delightful and spectacular bits. My hydrangea, which I loved so much last year and received as a sort of house warming gift from my mother when she came to visit last August, has decided to rebloom this spring! I thought that it was surely dead, although I had brought her in and out as the weather called (which it did not call for much this "winter"), and I watered her as necessary, she was scraggly and brown and absolutely dead looking before any of the other plants were. I was very sad and left her outside, waterless, in her pretty pot for the remainder of "winter." Today, though, I see precious little buds and bright green leaves sprouting off of her everywhere! I could not be more delighted that I will get to see her again this year!

Ah, what magic nature has, no? The weather has been quite amazing lately. Today, it was warm enough to wear a tank top and actually sit outside without being a) far too hot or b) far too cold/windy. It feels like spring, and I couldn't be more happy and ready for it. I am going to be optimistic that my ridiculous allergies today are going to be short-lived...or perhaps I'll actually remember to take my allergy medicine this time around! Either way, I hope that we can find a nice patio table soon so that we can enjoy the wonderful weather by eating outside or just sitting and enjoying the days/evenings.

Work has been hectic, but enjoyable for the most part. I really feel like I am missing something, though. Probably more of a spiritual connection than anything, but I enjoy my work, I just think I need soemthing more to make it feel as whole and enjoyable as ever. Perhaps some meditation before hand to really get me in the zone, or maybe picking music with better chords (as I really don't think minor chords are appropriate for massage, too much discord for me and my energy). I'm not sure. Maybe I just need a personal spiritual overhaul, or some meditation time of my own. I need my life to be in balance or my massages will just not quite be there for my clients, and I certainly want them to leave feeling wonderful, renewed, and refreshed after a massage. I will add, though, that I have found out that I have a HIGH sensitivity to heat, through giving hot stone massage. I never thought my hands could burn so much with WARM water. I will figure out a way to get used to it, but man-oh-man it's tough right now!!

The love of my life and I went to Florida the first weekend in March. It was his last Spring Break of his undergrad work, and we went to visit my family for a "long" weekend. I got to see my sister and her two boys, along with my mum and dad. We went to St. Augustine, visited Anastasia Island, ate at the Columbia, and shopped around town before the Sack of Saint Augustine began. It was interesting, to say the least. I have been to St. Augustine hundreds of times in the past and have never heard of this event before. There were cannons going off and muskets, and it was the city folk defending themselves from invasion. It was quite fun.

That weekend, i also got to see my cousin and his son. It's been a while since I've seen him. We went through a billion family photos looking for ones of my brother. It was entertaining. We were laughing at all of us as awkward children and enjoying reminiscing over old times. I am glad that most of my family lives in the same area, as it makes it possible for me to see more of them when I am in town to see my parents.

What else? My love has moved in. That was a kinda big deal, though one that has not been a surprise. We have rearranged the apartment at least twice since then (about a week and a half ago) and are about to do it again tonight. We are trying to get good energy flowing so that it really feels like our home. We have finally hung stuff on the walls, though it is mostly video game posters (in frames, though), and those will stay in our TV/entertainment room? I'm not sure, but pictures will accompany a future post...if it ever gets done to where we love it. I am excited, though, as I feel even more close to him now than ever. As we near our 3 year anniversary, I really appreciate that we still love one another and are still in love, so that every day is such a blessing to share together. We are definitely working hard so that it doesn't change.

I think that's about it for now. I need to go draw up some decorating plans for the apartment since he wants to jump on moving furniture after he gets home from class. :)

Hope everyone has a wonderful day. <3
