19 May 2013


Today is a kind of tough day for me. I am back in South Florida and my Love is in Georgia still. I am more than ready for school to be over for us both so that we can be together in the same place. We had a wonderful time together in Tampa before he left, though, so I have some wonderful memories to hold onto until I get to see him again soon. After living with someone for over a year, even two weeks without seeing them is tough. I know that in the future, with the kind of jobs he wants to do, we will have to be apart more...doesn't make it easier. Distance sucks. I hope that school will keep me aptly distracted. That and my awesome friends. Right now I do want to cry, though (Hey, I'm a very emotional person). I think I might...and that's okay. I'm allowed to cry. I am glad that I love someone enough to want to be with them like this. I think it'd be much more sad if I didn't have this love in my life. Not that people who don't should be sad, but more that this is right for me. <3

Anyway, I need to go study and also game. :) Happy Sunday. And Happy Birthday to my amazing and most wonderful sister. <3 <3 <3 Lots of love today!
