13 April 2012

Friday, Friday!

I am so delighted that it is Friday, and not because Friday signifies that the weekend is coming either (because for me, it doesn't...I usually work on Saturdays and only have Sunday as my "weekend"). For some reason, though this has been one of the busiest weeks so far for me this year, it has been one of the most awesome. No, nothing really incredible happened to me, I just really enjoyed this week. I have worked, so far, every single day. Monday through Thursday, I wasn't getting home until past 1030pm. Today, I woke up at 730am, and got home at 630pm. Tomorrow, I am leaving the house by 845am, and should be home around 4ish (just in time to welcome my wonderful Love's family to Georgia from Switzerland!). Why am I so happy when working so much?! Well, sure, the pay checks are nice, but honestly, I am loving my work right now! BOTH places I work are awesome, and I couldn't be happier. I have amazing coworkers and even more amazing bosses. I am excited to go to work, and I try to give every person I touch the best massage ever. I suppose it helps that no less than four times this week, I have heard that I gave someone the best massage they've ever had. Maybe more than four times. And I've also received my first client who has standing appointments with me...he seriously booked 5 weeks out after my first massage with him. Another client referred his wife to see me, and made an appointment for the next day for her after getting a massage from me. Perhaps I have found the right place to be working, because I love this response and I love the people I am working on. Going to work isn't a chore, it is really quite wonderrific.

Okay, that is all true and fun, and I am so happy. In other news, Love's parents got a new patio table, so, instead of us forking out some money for a nice new one, we received a nice used one. I am excited. We may need to refinish it, but please, I feel like SuperWoman after this week, so we can tackle it if need be. Now to make our front porch more inviting...hmm..we have pretty multi-colored lights left over from the holidays that are festive. I may invest in some muslin to make curtain-y type things, too, just for ambiance. Also, Love wants tiki torches, so maybe a little one for the table. I imagine the new renovation will cost less than $10. And that's a liberal estimation. 

OH! In other way more awesome news, I have decided to give being a vegetarian a go again. I started on Easter Sunday by saying no thanks to the Turkey, and helping myself to delicious sides instead! THANKFULLY no dessert I have come in contact with has meat, so we're safe for now! BUT, I have lost 2.5lbs since Monday, so I'd say this is a great start! I'm not doing it out of any moral feelings toward eating animals, though I do have a soft spot for fuzzy and/or fluffy things, so it helps. Exoskeletal Shrimp best be on the lookout, though, because if I DO decide to eat ANY sort of meat, those suckers are on the chopping block!! Anywho, any recipes would be appreciated, as I am adventurous, but especially nice if they can favor a half-veggie household, where I still want my Love to enjoy his meaty-ful foods, too. :)

Well, that is all for now. No griping about politics or rude people today, all I feel is love and peace for the world. <3
