27 February 2012


I am, as of now, not entirely sure what really pushed me to go ahead and make a new blog. I think a part of it was a friend of mine giving up reading blogs for Lent (interesting thing to inspire me to write one, right?). So thank you ma'am (and if you read this, you'll know it was because of you! <3)! And the other part is because I'm feeding my narcicistic side so that it won't bleed out into other parts of my life where it is not welcome. Everyone wins, no?

Where to begin? Well, the name. I feel truly and absolutely blessed in the life I have. Not just where I am not, but where I have been, who I have met, where I am going, the things I will do, the things I have done, and everything else. I feel like everything happens for a reason, even that really crappy stuff that you can't figure out the reason for. I also feel like life is magical and wonderful and cherishing it in any way is great. I'd like to also say that sometimes I do things inspired by people I know (or don't know). Not just blogging. I once read a friend's post on facebook or something about doing something every day to make herself happy. It hit me as absolutely profound and wonderful. I try to do as many things per day as I can that make me happy now. Not that it is unheard of to do that or anything, but if I hadn't really read about it from someone else doing it, I may not have actually put out the effort to do it myself. And, while my life is challenging and tiring and busy and crazy (sometimes all at once....well...usually all at once), I still love putting in even a little extra effort to be happy in any capacity I can every day. Also, a note about me...I use elipses more than is really acceptable, as I am sure you can tell by now. I also use parenthesis in a completely ridiculous manner. I don't really care. I used to get called a "grammar nazi" and that's fine with me. I do care whether or not things are spelled properly or the correct there they're or their is used, and I also like not sounding like an idiot when I speak to people. BUT I am most certainly not perfect and I like to play by my own grammatical rules from time to time. Also, if I blog late at night, I KNOW (100%, no doubt in my mind) that I will use the wrong form of "there/they're/their" at least once. I'll catch it the next day, but it'll happen. People used to get a kick out of catching me screw up. Well, have fun.

That's enough about that. I am currently a Massage Therapist at a couple awesome-tastic places (oh yeah, I make up words, too. If you get confused, ask. I'm suuuper friendly. promise!). I love the environment of both places I work. My coworkers are awesome and passionate about their work, too. It is great to help people and care about people every day instead of other places where clients just get treated like a pay check. I have described a former place of employment as a slaughterhouse. Not that we killed anyone, but it was about mass volume, get 'em in, get 'em out, and there was a lot of meat on the table. I suppose that's not too PC, but that place sucked and took all of the spirit and love out of massage. Made me hate touching people, too. I had anxiety attacks DAILY before going to work. But that's for another time, methinks.

Anywho, I'll blog as I can about whatever happens to me or things I think of or things I hear that strike me or things I see or feel or dreams I have or whatever. I live in this amazing world where everything that happens is important. To me, at least. And no, I won't divulge every detail of everything I do...though, I must warn you, I DO get bored a lot...so some posts may reflect that more than others. Anywho, off to work around the house (who knew that was a NEVER-ENDING JOB???). I will post more soon! :)
